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Anthurium Podophyllum - Lacy Leaf

Anthurium Podophyllum - Lacy Leaf

Regular price $74.40 USD
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The Anthurium Podophyllum, commonly known as the Lacy Leaf Anthurium, is a stunning example of nature's artistry. With its large, intricate leaves that resemble a lace pattern, this rare plant brings a unique texture and greenery to any indoor space. It's also one of the largest climbing and most unusual leaf varieties of Anthurium. This plant grows rapidly on moist totems and even faster when allowed to climb Outdoors in zone 10 and above. This beautiful rare plant is a great addition to any collection.
Botanical Name: Anthurium Podophyllum
Common Names: Lacy Plant, Lacy Leaf
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Description | Anthurium Podophyllum - Lacy Leaf


The Lacy Leaf Anthurium is a true botanical wonder, captivating with its detailed, deeply cut leaves that create a dramatic visual effect. This plant not only adds beauty and sophistication to your home but also purifies the air, making it a perfect combination of aesthetics and health benefits. Ideal for those seeking to elevate their indoor garden with rare and unusual plants, the Anthurium Podophyllum stands out for its unique appearance and low maintenance needs.


This Anthurium species is known for its large, elongated leaves with intricate lobes and deep cuts, giving the appearance of delicate lace. The dark green foliage has a glossy finish, with the veins creating a beautiful contrast that enhances the leaf's texture and depth. While it blooms less frequently indoors, its flowers, when they appear, are a subtle yet beautiful addition, featuring the typical Anthurium spadix and spathe.

Unique Attributes

Apart from its breathtaking appearance, the Lacy Leaf Anthurium is celebrated for its adaptability to indoor environments. It's more tolerant of lower light conditions than many tropical plants, making it suitable for various home settings. Its air-purifying capabilities further contribute to creating a healthier living space.

History and Origin

Originating from the tropical rainforests of Mexico, the Anthurium Podophyllum has been a part of indigenous cultures and botanical collections for its beauty and rarity. Its cultivation outside its native habitat has been limited, making it a prized possession for collectors and enthusiasts around the world. The plant's exact history is as rich and complex as its appearance, embodying the mystery and allure of the tropical understorey.

Care Instructions

Light Requirements: Prefers bright, indirect light but can tolerate medium light levels. Avoid direct sunlight to prevent leaf burn.

Watering: Keep the soil consistently moist but not soggy. Water when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch.

Soil and Fertilization: Use a well-draining, peat-based potting mix. Fertilize every other month during the growing season with a balanced, liquid fertilizer diluted to half strength.

Temperature and Humidity: Thrives in warm, humid environments. Ideal temperatures range from 65-80°F (18-27°C). Use a humidifier or pebble tray to maintain high humidity.

Pruning and Maintenance: Prune any yellowing or damaged leaves to encourage healthy growth. Clean leaves regularly to maintain their glossy appearance.

Propagation: Best propagated through stem cuttings or division during repotting in the spring.

Companion Plants

Choosing the right companion plants can make your space a lush, healthy haven, enhancing the beauty and vitality of your garden. Opt for plants with similar light and humidity preferences to ensure they grow harmoniously together. This thoughtful selection not only enriches the visual appeal of your space but also contributes to a balanced and supportive environment where each plant can thrive.

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